IMV weekly action planning meeting

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Join our team of local activists as we meet every week to share local events, plan direct actions, and work together to fight for equality and dignity for all!

Our past events have included rallies, education, and canvassing on the Safe Communities Act; Lobby Days at the State House for criminal justice, voting rights, and immigrant rights; state hearings on reproductive rights; phone campaigns for health care; and much more! Our strategy is to put targeted, effective, and persistent pressure on our politicians, whether they represent our cities, state, or nation.

All are welcome, no matter where you live or how much experience you have with activism. We strive for an inclusive and welcoming community. Coffee and light snacks are usually provided.

[Location note: We meet in the library’s conference room, which is wheelchair accessible. If the library is unexpectedly unavailable, our backup location is Bloc Cafe in nearby Union Square, also accessible — look for us in the back.]

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