Zayda OrtizActivist in Chief
Zayda Ortiz is the leader of Indivisible Mystic Valley and a member of the Core leadership of Indivisible MA. Her parents, Mexican immigrants and community leaders, encouraged civic engagement at an early age.
Zayda is the spokesperson for the January Coalition and MC for the 2018 Women’s March-Cambridge/Boston. Zayda is a passionate advocate for immigrant rights and more representation of people of color in leadership in all aspects of our society.
Zayda is currently organizing and educating other Indivisible groups to join together to build a statewide movement. Organizing and creating partnerships within our communities is critical work to re-imagine a more just, inclusive and engaged population within our region and across the country

Esther BrownsmithDeputy Chief
Esther is a Bible and ancient Near East doctoral student at Brandeis, as well as a baker, progressive activist, and not-so-secret nerd. She jumped into anti-war and environmental activism in her youth, and while those causes still have a special place in her heart, fighting the recently escalating threats against immigrants and Muslims has become a particular passion. As part of Indivisible, she hopes to channel the anger and energy of progressives into concrete legislative pressure against Trump’s agenda. She spends her free time with her spouse, her pet degus, and fictional BioWare characters.

Keith BernardOutreach Coodinator
Keith Bernard is IMV’s Outreach and Communications Lead. Massachusetts
born and bred, Keith has been leveraging his experiences in IT to help shape and direct IMV’s social media presence. Keith is also active in volunteering as a trainer and coach for the Yes on 3 campaign, and canvassing for several local politicians. Keith had the opportunity to serve as a facilitator for Indivisble’s Midwest Institute in Minneapolis. When Keith isn’t campaigning or marching he works as a system administrator and project manager in Cambridge, MA and has the pleasure of being married since 2005 to Zayda Ortiz, our Activist-in-Chief.
born and bred, Keith has been leveraging his experiences in IT to help shape and direct IMV’s social media presence. Keith is also active in volunteering as a trainer and coach for the Yes on 3 campaign, and canvassing for several local politicians. Keith had the opportunity to serve as a facilitator for Indivisble’s Midwest Institute in Minneapolis. When Keith isn’t campaigning or marching he works as a system administrator and project manager in Cambridge, MA and has the pleasure of being married since 2005 to Zayda Ortiz, our Activist-in-Chief.